Thursday, November 1, 2007

# 23 - Summary (and # 2 - Life-long learninng)

Well, this is the end (until I start #24). I believe that I have gained (and benefited from) what I hoped to accomplish from this project. I definitely have the understanding of what RSS feeds, blogs, podcasts, YouTube and wikis are. Some, I already understood a little about them. Others, I had never heard of. I rushed through most of them and, at least for some of them, would very much like to go back and delve into them more deeply. Others did not generate the much of an interest. However, I could see that many of these technologies could be applied to library service.

At the beginning of the journey, I listened to the podcast on life-long learning but neglected to make a blog entry about them. Doing so now, after going through the previous 22 steps and encountering the challenges and rewards, makes it easier. Perhaps the easiest habit was to have an end in mind -- simply having a goal of completing the 23 steps. The hardest was seeing the problems as challenges. I prefer to have all of my instructions in front of me in writing. With computers and the internet, things often aren't very clear and you often must experiment with what is presented on the screen and learn for yourself. (Shouldn't "Anger" and "Denial" be included in the seven and a half items???)

This project certainly presented many challenges but offered many more rewards.


Blogteam said...

Congratulations on completing the 23 Things!

Michele M said...

You forgot bargaining: "If you just post this to my blog, I'll take back everything I said about your stupid site!"